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During your child's time at Bobtails they will have a Family worker, this member of staff will oversee your child’s personal, social and emotions needs. They will also observe, encourage and help develop your child’s learning by providing rich and interesting play opportunities.


Family workers create and maintain memory books for each of their key children which they update regularly, recording your child’s achievements. This is yours to keep and treasure after your child has graduated from Bobtails Preschool.



  • Invoices are emailed during the first two weeks of every half term.

  • These invoices cover a full term, which is between 10-14 weeks.

  • We request payment within two weeks of receiving the invoice. Payment plans can be set up. We accept Childcare vouchers and we are also registered for children to receive the current 15 hours government funding.

  • Our hourly rate is £7.00 and will remain the same for September 2023. Every term (3-4 months), parents are charged a consumables charge. The amount depends on how many hours your child attends our Pre-schools. Full details are given on request but for an example , if your child attended 23-32 hours the consumables termly charge would be £100.00 ​

  • Our preschool is proud to support FEET funded children (Free Early Education for Two year olds). To learn more about this scheme click here or contact your health visitor.

  • We also have limited 30 hour funded places.  




Upon starting at the setting you will receive an information booklet with all current information required and forms, the following information gives you an understanding of our Pre-school.



We provide milk or water at snack time.

They also have access to their own named water bottles at all times during the session. We do encourage this to be water only. 



The children will need a pair of wellies at Pre-school because we like to use our outside area all year round, including the grass area, which can be wet or muddy. Please ensure wellies are named with a permanent pen and these do not have to be new. We have a large selection of donated wellies from previous children if you would like a pair.



We welcome all forms of parental involvement at the Pre-school. You are invited to come and join us for a morning session to see what we do and play with your child. Currently we can not offer this due to COVID-19 and Government Guidelines, but we are hoping we can soon. 

Also any skills you have are welcomed to, this could be cutting out for activities or taking home some toys in the holidays to play with and clean for us.

If you have some spare time though and would like to be more involved you could join our Parent Forum. This is a group of parents that meet every half term to support the Pre-school in all areas, including fundraising events.

If you have any questions on the above subjects please talk to a member of staff who will be glad to assist you.



Fees are payable if a child is ill. In instances of prolonged illness the Management Committee will consider each case individually.



Full fees are payable if holiday is taken during term time. Please complete a notification of holiday form available from the Nursery Manager.



For reasons of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery is not permitted at Bobtails. If you have particular reasons for your child wearing a piece of jewellery or a religious adornment, please speak to Justine Palmer, who will endeavour to work with you to establish a mutually agreeable solution.


  • Our children are grouped according to their age into two groups, called Bunnies and Rabbits.


  • Bunnies are our 2-3 year olds and Rabbits are our rising 4 year olds.   


  • By doing this we ensure that children benefit from consistent relationships with staff and that their individual learning needs are met.


  • The  Foundation Stage Learning Journey’s are followed, enabling children to learn through practical, fun and valuable play.



At Bobtails all children are encouraged to wear our uniform as it makes them feel part of something special.


Our uniform consists of a Bobtails t-shirt and/or sweatshirt. Long trousers or long shorts covering their knees for when they are crawling around. Warm waterproof coat with a hood that the children can put on themselves.  Robust Velcro fitted trainers for all the fun physical activities they will be taking part in (no boots, shoes, opened toed shoes/sandals or wellies).



Bobtails provides an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs, are supported to reach their full potential.


We have a designated Special Educational Needs

Co-ordinator (SENCO) at each of our sites. 


We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual support plans (ISPs) working closely with families and other external agencies to ensure a whole team approach to meeting a child's needs. Please contact Justine for an informal discussion or to arrange a visit.



We understand that starting pre-school is a big step for both children and their families, therefore we provide you with lots of information and photographs of what they have been up to. We encourage parents to come and participate as parent helpers to really get involved with the children



The Pre-school offers a wide range of healthy snacks and fruit we also share snack time as a whole group or using a rolling snack bar. If your child has any intolerances or allergies please let us know so we can provide an acceptable alternative.



Lunch should be provided in a named lunch box/bag which will be stored in our fridge. The children need an additional drink in their lunch box . The setting promotes healthy eating in line with current government guidelines.



When you arrive at Pre-school you will be asked to sign your child in and leave a contact number, this folder will always be found on the front desk. Any change of collection must always be noted here and made aware to a member of staff. 

Your child will enter our settings saying goodbye to you at the door. Your child then will be encouraged to be independent in taking their coats off. Staff will be there to help and support when needed. They will then put their coats and shoes away on their pegs before washing their hands to enter the setting. 

When you collect your child please remember to check their book bags for letters, and activities they have completed at school that day. Finally, you will need to sign your child out from our care in the contact book.

Prompt arrival and collection enables your child to settle into the Pre-school routine and feel secure.



In your child’s book bag you will find a red home contact book this stays in the book bag as an additional form of communication with the Pre-school. It can be used to share information, dates and achievements relevant to your child. Remember they are checked only once a week; therefore please inform staff in person of anything important or relevant to the day. These books can be used by parents, childminders and grandparents.



The period of notice is one term in writing or one term’s fees in advance. Parents / carers are required to inform the nursery of any absence by telephone on the first day of absence.


...that children learn through play.  Children learn from getting dirty, trying new things, being investigators, scientists, tradespeople and anything they want to be - we just provide the ideas.


  • To provide a welcoming, happy and stimulating learning environment, where children and parents will feel safe and secure.

  • To make our pre-school genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community.

  • To show respectful awareness of all the major events in the lives of children and families in the pre-school. 

  • To provide an equal opportunity preschool and respect that all children are individuals.

  • To provide a well-balanced session of activities, which promote and encourage the seven areas of Curriculum Learning for the Early Years Foundation Stage plus the Characteristics of Effective Learning.

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